Sunday, April 4, 2010

Marja - Paying money to the "enemy"?

Here are some excerpts from an online article by the Afghanistan News. The central point of the article is US Marines have paid local residents thousands of dollars as compensation for property damage resulting from the US-led assault. Where did the money go? Some of it ended up in the pockets of local "Taliban" and used "to acquire ammunition and weapons to be used against foreign troops" [US, etc., troops]. This is yet another indication that the US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan is not very good in identifying the enemy or how to fight it. The highly publicized attacks on Marja do not give one much confidence in those who are making US policy in Afghanistan.
Excerpts from

Taliban using 'compensation' money against Marines in Marja
Afghanistan News.NetSunday 4th April, 2010 (ANI)

"In an attempt to garner public support, US Marines engaged in an intense battle with the Taliban in Marja, have been offering thousands of dollars a week to the local residents as compensation for property damage, but the move has backfired as the insurgents are using the same money against the international forces stationed in Afghanistan."

"Both Afghan and US officials are aware of the fact that the Taliban is using the compensation for acquiring arms and ammunitions to be used against foreign troops, but they say it is hard to recognise the extremists among the masses"....

"We've got to re-evaluate our definition of the word 'enemy'. Most people here identify themselves as Taliban."

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